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"In the beginning God created everything perfect: when man sinned, man reaped death and consequently distorted the order of things. God's redemption plan provides a way back to this perfect...
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"In the beginning God created everything perfect: when man sinned, man reaped death and consequently distorted the order of things. God's redemption plan provides a way back to this perfect...
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THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING SENSATION Most new businesses fail. But most of those failures are preventable. The Lean Startup is the approach to business that's being adopted around the wo...
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The dictator who grew so rich on his country's cocoa crop that he built a 35-storey-high basilica in the jungles of the Ivory Coast. The austere, incorruptible leader who has shut Eritrea off fro...
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Often best known for magnificent flora and fauna, there's much more to Uganda's heritage. The country can indeed be proud of its stunning buildings and sites of historical significance. T...
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President Yoweri Museveni has straddled Uganda's political landscape like a colossus for almost four decades. During this time Uganda has pulled back from the edge of the political abyss and has ...
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'A brave, beautiful book that could double as a handbook to accompany anyone on their journey through cancer' Jackie Kay, New Statesman The Cancer Journals is an intimate, poetic and invi...
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Dear Philomena, is the story of two strokes, one boy, one girl and a whole lot of magical realism. July 1991, Leocardia Byenkya underwent an ultrasound that informed her to expect a baby girl. She ...
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What's in a name: Kainembabazi is an account that spans decades. It starts with a very young Natasha, her siblings and her mother, Maama Janet Museveni, who suddenly find themselves in strange la...
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Using new technology, recently discovered documents and sophisticated investigative techniques, an international team—led by an obsessed former FBI agent—has finally solved the mystery that has ha...
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Future Fortified by Justus Godwin Kizito
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